I have been basking a bit in the warmth of a compliment passed along to me by a talented member of the blog community a few weeks ago – I have been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Claire who has a fascinating blog under the label “Promenade Plantings” – wit, recipes and too much fun!

As explained to me; (1) I must list 7 random things about myself that you don’t know and (2) nominate other bloggers to receive the award.( note to readers – a little research seems to show that the number bloggers to nominate varies from 4 to 10. So, I will nominate more than 4 but less than 10, I hope you are ok with that and (3) post a picture of the award.

Hmmmmmm – Seven random things you may not know about me –

  1. In High School and during the first few years at UCLA I wrote poetry, usually linked to a one of my better – at least I thought they were better – photos. Looking back at the words I wrote – what was I thinking at that moment in time?????
  2. August of 1977 – I spent three days laying half way down asteep  ravine with a crushed pelvis and no water in brutal 108 degree heat. I came out half way down after rolling my old Bronco. The Bronco gathered no moss as it rolled to the bottom of the ravine. Thank you Jim Trout and Leonard Smith for deciding to walk down that hill and kicking of the rescue rather than a recovery.
  3. I dream of an idyllic life  – maybe on a small farm, gardening, raising poultry, maybe a couple of pigs rooting around and a back porch looking out over a small pond……….or – owning and running a small microbrewery…. I will have to drink on it a bit more, or is that think on it ????
  4. I fell in love with Rugby in 1973 – it is in my blood and yes I have given a little during the playing years I spent on the pitch. Off the pitch –  I do love having a beer with my mates!
  5. Some things are far too important to give up on…..the heart always has room to hold the love for family, regardless of how long they have been  away……
  6. I can stare into the dying embers of a fire for what seems like forever…… embraced by the fire’s warmth and remembering the many warm memories I carry in my heart.
  7. Lucky seven – my partner in life is the women(girl then) I first saw as a 16 year-old lifeguard in Jefferson Park(1967). She was this cute little swimmer, seven years younger &  hanging around the pool – totally unaware of my existence. She crept back into my life in the year following my 1977 life changing event noted above. Three days lying on the side of the ravine became the start of something very special and enduring –

Some thanks are in order –

Promenade Plantings – I mentioned Claire and her blog above – I love her writing style….recipes that broadens my meat and potatoes upbringing….Mom – no offense! I can’t nominate her for the award as she has already been tapped for the award – If I tried to renominate her it could result in double jeopardy and Alex Trebek would probably complain.

I follow and enjoy these folks and in doing so I dub thee Versatile Bloggers;

startingtobrew – I also post a beer brewing blog…..I may list it below….a bit of narcissism. This young lady periodically posts and adds some nice wit and humor to adventures with home brewing

Everything Is Homemade.  I began following this posting a long time ago…..she was gone for a bit after having a child and is now sharing great home stuff, recipes and life bits.

kiwsparks – Seeing the world through art-colored glasses – this is a recent add and it has been a very nice add to my expanding awareness on how small and connected this world really is. I find myself enjoying the artistic and poetic energy in these postings. We seem to share a strong gardening or rather growing kinship.

BeerCat Brewing and Babies – This a very recent find – It is amazing at how many women are stepping into the world of home brewing….Fun style of writing and talks about one of my favorite topics

The Iris and the Lily  A nice gentle and relaxing read….I really look forward to seeing how others view this wonderful natural world around us.

Erie Ale Works – Very informative and a great place to learn a little and see where creative home-brewers are taking their craft… Nice straightforward style.

The Yeast Factory – Another beer blog- what were you expecting? I love to read and learn from others and have picked up some nice tidbits here.

KKH Photos -Off The Desk – I have been considering expanding my photography efforts to make it pay for some of my purchases…..have learned a little here and I continue to peek in on a regular basis. Lots of energy here!

http://pappadeckerbrewing.wordpress.com – What a brilliant and witty guy! I really can identify with every word he writes. It is as if he has cloned my pea brain and captures all of my random thoughts about beer and brewing. I can’t seem to get enough!

hotbincomposting – Learning to better manage my bins. Great information site and cheaper than buying a book – and probably more current than anything published.

This award process seems to be a great way to bring others in to our circles as well as expand our boundaries… Now for a bit of humor – my favorite picture taken on my 60th birthday with that cute little swimmer from Jefferson Park.

Happy 60th Bishop!

